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Who will buy a glad story Who will buy a glad story Quem vai comprar uma história feliz That a young man has to sell? That a young man has to sell? Que um homem jovem tem para vender? Come into my house of glory Come into my house of glory Entra na minha casa de glória And I will treat you well. And I will treat you well. E eu vou tratá-lo bem. Who will buy a sad story Who will buy a sad story Quem vai comprar uma história triste That a widow has to sell? That a widow has to sell? Que a viúva tem que vender? Come into my house of lonely Come into my house of lonely Entra na minha casa da solidão And I will treat you well. And I will treat you well. E eu vou tratá-lo bem. BRIDGE: BRIDGE: PONTE: Young and old, we all have stories Young and old, we all have stories Jovens e velhos, todos nós temos histórias That we all must try to sell That we all must try to sell Que todos nós devemos tentar vender Tales of how you get to heaven Tales of how you get to heaven Contos de como chegar ao céu And how we been through hell And how we been through hell E como temos sido com o inferno Who will buy a perfumed story Who will buy a perfumed story Quem vai comprar uma história perfumada That a young girl has to sell? That a young girl has to sell? Que uma jovem tem para vender? Sleep with me on satin pillows Sleep with me on satin pillows Durma comigo em almofadas de cetim And I will treat you well. And I will treat you well. E eu vou tratá-lo bem.

Composição: Bill Withers

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