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Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Chuviscos continuam caindo em minha cabeça

Raindrops are falling on my head Raindrops are falling on my head Chuviscos estão caindo em minha cabeça And just like the guy whose feet And just like the guy whose feet é como o sujeito que os pés Are too big for his bed Are too big for his bed são muito grandes para sua cama Nothing seems to fit Nothing seems to fit nada parece se ajustar Those raindrops Those raindrops aqueles chuviscos Are falling on my head Are falling on my head estão caindo em minha cabeça They keep falling. They keep falling. eles continuam caindo So I just did me some So I just did me some então eu fiz algo Talking to the sun Talking to the sun falando para o sol And I said I didn't like the way And I said I didn't like the way então eu disse que não gostava da maneira He got things done He got things done que ele fazia as coisas He's sleeping on the job He's sleeping on the job ele está dormingo no trabalho Those raindrops Those raindrops aqueles chuviscos Are falling on my head Are falling on my head estão caindo em minha cabeça they keep fallin' they keep fallin' eles continuam caindo But theres one thing I know But theres one thing I know Mas há uma coisa, eu sei The blues they send to meet me The blues they send to meet me as tristezas que eles me trazem Won't defeat me it won't be long Won't defeat me it won't be long não me derrotarão. Não demorará muito Till happiness Till happiness até que a felicidade Steps up to greet me Steps up to greet me me encontre Raindrops keep falling on my head Raindrops keep falling on my head Chuviscos continuam caindo em minha cabeça But that doesn't mean my eyes But that doesn't mean my eyes mas isto não quer dizer que meus olhos Will soon be turning red Will soon be turning red ficarão vermelhos Crying's not for me cause, Crying's not for me cause, eu não sou de chorar porque I'm never gonna stop the rain I'm never gonna stop the rain eu nunca vou parar a chuva By complaining, By complaining, reclamando Because I'm free Because I'm free porque eu sou livre Nothings worrying me Nothings worrying me nada está me preocupando It won't be long It won't be long não vai demorar Till happiness Till happiness até que a felicidade Steps up to greet me Steps up to greet me me encontre Raindrops keep falling on my head Raindrops keep falling on my head Chuviscos continuam cainda em minha cabeça But that doesn't mean my eyes But that doesn't mean my eyes mas isto não quer dizer que meus olhos Will soon be turning red Will soon be turning red ficarão vermelhos Crying's not for me cause, Crying's not for me cause, eu não sou de chorar porque I'm never gonna stop the rain I'm never gonna stop the rain eu nunca vou parar a chuva By complaining, By complaining, reclamando Because I'm free Because I'm free porque eu sou livre

Composição: Burt Bacharach/Hal David

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