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I Got Rhythm

i got rhythm

Days can be sunny, Days can be sunny, podem ser dias de sol With never a sigh ; With never a sigh ; sem nenhum sinal Don't need what money can buy. Don't need what money can buy. não precisa do que o dinheiro pode comprar Birds in the tree sing Birds in the tree sing passaros cantam nas arvores Their dayful of song, Their dayful of song, seus dias cheios de canção Why shouldn't we sing along ? Why shouldn't we sing along ? porque deveriamos cantar longamente? I'm chipper all the day, I'm chipper all the day, eu sou frito todo o dia Happy with my lot. Happy with my lot. feliz com meu lote How do I get that way ? How do I get that way ? como eu pegeui esse caminho? Look at what I've got : Look at what I've got : olhe o que eu ganhei: I got rhythm I got rhythm eu ganhei ritmo I got music I got music eu ganhei musica I got my man/girl I got my man/girl eu ganhei garota/garoto Who could ask for anything more ? Who could ask for anything more ? quem pode pedir por algo mais? I got daisies I got daisies eu peguei margaridas In green pastures, In green pastures, em pastagens verdes I got my man/girl I got my man/girl eu peguei mue garoto/garota Who could ask for anything more ? Who could ask for anything more ? quem pode pedir por algo mais? Ol'Man Trouble, Ol'Man Trouble, velho homem problematico I don't mind him. I don't mind him. eu não te esqueço You won't find him You won't find him voce não acha ele 'Round my door. 'Round my door. ao redor da minha porta I got starlight, I got starlight, eu peguei luzes das estrelas I got sweet dreams, I got sweet dreams, eu peguei doces sonhos I got my man/girl, I got my man/girl, eu peguei meu homem/garota Who could ask for anything more ? Who could ask for anything more ? quem pode pedir por algo mais? Who could ask for anything more ? Who could ask for anything more ? quem pode pedir por algo mais? (bis) (bis) bis

Composição: George Gershwin

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