
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

Ian Dury

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Is all my brain and body need

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Are very good indeed

Keep your silly ways or throw them out the window

The wisdom of your ways, I've been there and I know

Lots of other ways, what a jolly bad show

If all you ever do is business you don't like

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Is very good indeed

Every bit of clothing ought to make you pretty

You can cut the clothing, gray is such a pity

I should wear the clothing of Mr Walter Mitty

See my tailor, he's called Simon, I know it's going to fit

Here's a little piece of advice

You're quite welcome, it is free

Don't do nothing that is cut price

You know what that'll make you be

They will try their tricky device

Trap you with the ordinary

Get your teeth into a small slice

The cake of liberty

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

Sex, drugs, rock, roll

Sex, drugs, rock, roll
Letra da música Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll (tradução)
Letra da música (tradução) (em Português)

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