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Burning In Paris

Queimando Em Paris

Sweep out the chimney Sweep out the chimney varrer a chaminé Kill the dark that sleeps in me Kill the dark that sleeps in me Mate a escuridão que dorme em mim There’s a fire that’s yearning There’s a fire that’s yearning Há um fogo que está desejando In the hearth of my mind In the hearth of my mind No coração da minha mente There’s faith in my ashes There’s faith in my ashes Há fé em minhas cinzas A hopeless romantic A hopeless romantic Um romântico sem esperança I wish we were burning I wish we were burning Eu gostaria que estivéssemos queimando In Paris tonight In Paris tonight Em Paris esta noite If I had a second chance If I had a second chance Se eu tivesse uma segunda chance One more night where we could dance One more night where we could dance Mais uma noite onde poderíamos dançar I would laugh away the fears, I’d do anything you asked I would laugh away the fears, I’d do anything you asked Eu riria dos medos, faria qualquer coisa que você pedisse I wish I would have taken you I wish I would have taken you Eu gostaria de ter levado você To France To France Para França Where I dive in your waters Where I dive in your waters Onde eu mergulho em suas águas Cross all of your borders Cross all of your borders Cruze todas as suas fronteiras Your lavender dress Your lavender dress Seu vestido lavanda Falling down to your feet Falling down to your feet Caindo a seus pés In a field of sunflowers In a field of sunflowers Em um campo de girassóis We lay there for hours We lay there for hours Nós ficamos lá por horas Till nightfall descends Till nightfall descends Até o anoitecer descer And you whisper to me And you whisper to me E você sussurra para mim If I had a second chance If I had a second chance Se eu tivesse uma segunda chance One more night where we could dance One more night where we could dance Mais uma noite onde poderíamos dançar I would laugh away my tears, I’d embrace the time we have I would laugh away my tears, I’d embrace the time we have Eu riria das minhas lágrimas, eu abraçaria o tempo que temos I wish you would have taken me I wish you would have taken me Eu gostaria que você tivesse me levado To France To France Para França To France To France Para França Aah, ooh Aah, ooh ah, oh If I had a second chance If I had a second chance Se eu tivesse uma segunda chance One more night where we could dance One more night where we could dance Mais uma noite onde poderíamos dançar I would laugh away the fears, I’d do anything you asked I would laugh away the fears, I’d do anything you asked Eu riria dos medos, faria qualquer coisa que você pedisse I wish I would have taken you I wish I would have taken you Eu gostaria de ter levado você Oh, I wish I would have taken you Oh, I wish I would have taken you Oh, eu gostaria de ter levado você To France To France Para França

Composição: Morpheus and Will knox

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