Original Espanhol Corrigir

Whatever It Takes

Fazer o que for preciso

Just like a breath of spring, Just like a breath of spring, Assim como um sopro de primavera, you came to me you came to me você veio a mim And I'd tried to win you back And I'd tried to win you back E eu tentei ganhá-lo de volta Since I've set you free Since I've set you free Desde que eu te libertar **("Will you break the rules?") **("Will you break the rules?") ** ( "Você vai quebrar as regras?") If I gotta If I gotta Se eu tenho ("Will you play the fool?") ("Will you play the fool?") ( "Você vai jogar o tolo?") Every time** Every time** Cada vez ** *And I'll do whatever it takes *And I'll do whatever it takes * E eu vou fazer o que for preciso And whatever the stakes And whatever the stakes E o que quer que as estacas I will play, no, gonna get you someday* I will play, no, gonna get you someday* Eu vou brincar, não, você vai ficar um dia * Seems you don't realize, Seems you don't realize, Parece que você não percebe, what you've got till it's gone what you've got till it's gone what you've got till it's gone And if you just close your eyes, And if you just close your eyes, E se você apenas fechar os olhos, it won't be too long it won't be too long não será muito longo Till the one you love, Till the one you love, Até que a pessoa que você ama, Starts to leave you Starts to leave you Começa a deixá-lo Till she finds her way, Till she finds her way, Até que ela encontra seu caminho, out the door out the door para fora da porta (*Repeat) (*Repeat) (Repeat *) Down on the boulevard Down on the boulevard Down on the boulevard Searchin so hard just to find you Searchin so hard just to find you Searchin tão difícil encontrá-lo The movie stars in the sidewalk squares The movie stars in the sidewalk squares As estrelas de cinema nas praças calçada seem to stare and remind you seem to stare and remind you parecem olhar e lembrá-lo (**Repeat) (**Repeat) (Repeat **) (*Repeat) (*Repeat) (Repeat *) And I'll do whatever I can And I'll do whatever I can E eu vou fazer o que puder Just to See you again Just to See you again Só para te ver novamente Night and day, Night and day, Noite e dia, if that's what it takes if that's what it takes se é isso que leva To see you again To see you again Para vê-lo novamente If that's what it takes. If that's what it takes. Se isso é o que toma. To see you again… (Repeat and fade) To see you again… (Repeat and fade) Para vê-lo novamente ... (Repeat and fade)

Composição: Alton Taylor, Claydes Smith, Dennis Thomas, George Brown, Marlon Mundy, Richard Westfield, Robert Bell, Robert Mickens, Ronald Bell, Tony Langley

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