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Say That You Love Me

Diga que me ama.

Dear, I fear wer're facing a problem Dear, I fear wer're facing a problem Querido, eu temo que estejamos à beira de um problema you love me no longer, I know you love me no longer, I know Você não me ama mais, eu sei and maybe there is nothing and maybe there is nothing e talvez não tenha nada that I can do to make you do that I can do to make you do que eu possa fazer para você me amar. Mama tells me I shouldn't bother Mama tells me I shouldn't bother Mamãe diz que eu não devia ligar that I ought to stick to another man that I ought to stick to another man que eu deveria ficar com outro cara a man that surely deserves me a man that surely deserves me um cara que me mereça realemente, but I think you do! but I think you do! mas eu acho que você merece! So I cry, I pray and I beg So I cry, I pray and I beg Então eu choro, eu rezo e eu imploro Love me love me Love me love me Me ame Me ame say that you love me say that you love me Diga que me ama fool me fool me fool me fool me Me engane Me engane go on and fool me go on and fool me Continue e me engane love me love me love me love me Me ame Me ame pretend that you love me pretend that you love me Finja que me ama just say that you need me just say that you need me Só diga que precisa de mim Love me love me Love me love me Me ame Me ame say that you love me say that you love me Diga que me ama leave me leave me leave me leave me Me deixe Me deixe just say that you need me just say that you need me Só diga que precisa de mim I can't care 'bout anything but you... I can't care 'bout anything but you... Eu não consigo ligar pra mais nada além de você Lately I have desperately pondered, Lately I have desperately pondered, Ultimamente tenho desesperadamente ponderado, spent my nights awake and I wonder spent my nights awake and I wonder Passei minhas noites acordada e me perguntei what I could do have done in another way what I could do have done in another way Oque eu poderia ter feito diferente to make you stay to make you stay Pra fazer você ficar Reason will not lead to solution Reason will not lead to solution Razão não vai levar a solução I will end up lost in confusion I will end up lost in confusion Eu vou terminar perdida na confusão I don't care if you really care I don't care if you really care Eu não ligo se você não se preoculpa as long as you don't go as long as you don't go contanto que você não vá!

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